Old Orchard Junior High School Staff

Jack Adams

Permanent Substitute

Merilee Aguirre

ELL Teacher

Ferial Atto

Assistant Principal

Andrew Augustine

Science - Grade 7

Graciela Baca


Oscar Bataz


Alice Belgrade-Moss

Board Certified Behavior Analyst

Jonathan Bolek

Physical Education

Javier Castro


Sara Christiansen

Front Office Assistant

Amanda Cornelius-King

Science and Team Leader - Grade 6

Denise Crespo

Principals Secretary

Clif Dahlgren

Language Arts and Team Leader - Grade 7

Annie DiMaria

Special Education - Grade 8

Sarah Dribin

Instructional Coach

Amela Duskic

Special Education Grade 7

Michael Elliott

Assistant Principal

David Ello


Anna Fehsenfeld

Social Work Grades 6 and 7

Angela Flood

Social Studies and Team Leader - Grade 8

Michael Flood

Social Work Grades 6 and 8

Derek Fugate

Social Studies - Grade 6

Alison Garcia

Special Education - Grade 8

Adam Garland

Teaching Assistant

Lisa Goyco

ESL - Grade 7

Carrie Guerard

MTSS Specialist - Grade 7

Gregory Hanson

School Principal

Benjamin Heichman

Teaching Assistant

Meg Hickey

Music and Department Chair

Anica Hrvojevic

Social Studies - Grade 7 and 8

Margot Hughes

ELL and Math Grade 7

Mohammad Hussain

Language Arts - Grade 6

Anders Johnson

LMC Assistant

Sarah Johnson

Assistant Principal's Secretary

Ivy Jordan

School Psychologist

Courtney Keenan

Science Grade 8 and FCS Grades 7 and 8 / Team Leader

Steve Kenmotsu

Math - Grade 7

Vu Keo

Technology Department

Hasson Khalil

Math - Grade 8

Ariel Klingsporn

Teaching Assistant

Mary La Plante

6th Grade Special Educaion

Sara Lapidus

NTDSE - Project Able

Olynor Licong-Tipan

Teaching Assistant

Isabel Lopez


Jessica Lustyk

Physical Education; Team Leader for Encore and Athletic Director

Jessica Lux

Math Specialist and Department Chair

Diego Marin

Math - Grade 8

Pete Matalas

Physical Education

Polly McClellan

Social Studies and Team Leader - Grade 7

Erika McMahon

Social Studies and Department Chair - Grade 8

Andrea Meighan

Language Arts - Grade 8

Susana Melendez


Amanda Merrill

Language Arts - Grade 8

Gabby Mizgala

Reading Specialist

Jose Moreno

Head Custodian

Brett Morrow

Reading Language Arts - Grade 8

Maram Mustafa

Math - Grade 8

Ingrid Nevinger


Jacob Ninan

Math - Grade 6

Cara Novy-Bennewitz

Physical Education

Bill Oline

NTDSE - Project Able

Savannah Pakosta

Special Education

Jose Parra Reyes


Judy Paz

Science - Grade 8

Alyssa Randel

Math - Grade 6

Julissa Reyes


Florence Rhodes

6th Grade Reading LA

Mary Rock

Special Education - Grade 6

Armeen Sayani

Special Education - Grade 6

Eleanor Schook

LMC Director and Maker Space

Jennifer Sevilla

Gateway To Technology (GTT)

Shawn Smith

Technology Department

Jack Speth

7th Grade Math

Matthew Tomenillie

Special Education - Grade 7

Barbara Trinh

Art Teacher

Sara Tsioles

Science and Department Chair - Grade 7

Shanique Turnbull

Teaching Assistant

Alison Vinkler

Social Work

David Wiviott

Social Studies and Team Leader - Grade 6

Garrett Zika

Science and AVID - Grade 6

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